Sentiment research.
Community management.
Working with various teams to develop and execute Instagram series such as Day in the Life and Coffee Hour.
Supporting the social media content calendar by communicating with other departments around new releases and promotional priorities.
Executing social content and promotional priorities by communicating cross-departmentally.
Developing efficient communication strategies to effectively streamline the content creation process.
Creating content for various Instagram story series by using Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe InDesign.
Tracking Instagram social insights on a weekly basis.
Streamlined the execution process for the “Day in the Life” Instagram campaign by creating a Google form to make communication more efficient. This resulted in a pre-constructed script which followed our desired narrative and also allowed for subjects to sign legal documents in a singular step.
Took a pre-planned Instagram campaign and further edited the content to present a clearer narrative. This version was then published on the Mailchimp Instagram account.